Wish Tom Well in His New Superintendent Role

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35 Comments on “Wish Tom Well in His New Superintendent Role”

  1. Paul F. Butler says:

    Hi Tom,
    Heard the news at Carl’s Mass today. Ann and I are so happy for you. West Harford is very lucky to have a class act like you leading the educational system. Bill Burke would have been so proud of you.

  2. Barbara Carter says:

    Congratulations Tom! However I have always missed you as a history teacher for my children. Julie and Caitlin both appreciated how you made history come alive for them. My James enjoyed your participation in the football program. Jackie had you as her principal. Thank-you for providing such great service to my children during their Conard High School experience. Although you have tough shoes to fill, you will certainly fill them nicely!

    The Carter family

  3. Clare says:

    Hi Tom —

    I remember when we were both giving commencement speeches at Conard! Congratulations on becoming Superintendent — we are trusting you with our children and our town! I know both are in good hands. Have fun, enjoy, and never forget it’s all about the best interest of the child!

    Very truly yours,


  4. Tim moore says:

    Tom congrats my little brother we are so proud of you! now you pay for Andy’s and my golf dad has a BIG smile for you

  5. Denise Berard Hall says:

    Congratulations Tom! The Board of Ed made an excellent choice! I know that you will be an excellent Superintendent.

  6. Paul Edlund says:

    Tom….Congratulations in your new position.
    Paul E

  7. Clare Taylor says:

    Congratulations Tom! I was so please when I heard the great news, You have been an amazing leader and we are so lucky to have you in an even higher capacity. Your family has a right to be proud!

  8. Rocco DiTaranto says:

    I could not be happier for Tom and his Family. I have never worked with and for a more fair and dedicated person. Tom is exactly the kind of person that places West Hartford and it’s educational system at the top in our State and Country.
    Congrats and much earned.

    Rocco DiTaranto

  9. Erin McNamee says:

    Congratulations Tom, we are so happy and excited for you –
    Erin, Andy, Elise & Maren

  10. Jeannie Pascon & Family says:


    We are all lucky with your appointment to Superintendent!! It is just fantastic when we/BOE/WHPS… do things that make SENSE. I am honored to be working in -and thrilled to have my children attending – our school system with you at the helm.

    Congratulations – Carry on!!

  11. PJ Foley says:

    Congrats, Tom!

  12. Jessica Grenier says:

    Congratulations Tom! As a teacher of the district for the last 10 years, it is awesome to see how West Hartford chooses amazing leaders that are bred with the culture, commitment and drive that West Hartford teachers possess! You will fill very big shoes, very well! Congratulations on your appointment and I look forward to working with you for years to come!

  13. Cathie Benner says:

    Congratulations, Tom! As a parent of two of your former students at Conard and as a Kindergarten teacher at Duffy School, I am excited to hear that you will be our next Superintendent of Schools. I will pass the wonderful news along!

  14. Sheri Ellis says:

    Tom, I can’t think of a more caring, intelligent and honest person to fill this position and I know that you will do Conard Proud. To great success, Sheri Ellis

  15. Nancy :) says:

    “That man,….said the little prince is the only one of them all who does not seem to me ridiculous. Perhaps that is because his is thinking of something else besides himself.” (-Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince). In your case, Tom, it’s always about what’s in the best interest of our students, their families, and the West Hartford Public Schools. Stay the course…

  16. Lee Hechenbleikner says:

    Congratulations Mr. Moore! Speaking from the experience of having once been a student of yours, I can honestly say that you have had a very profound effect on my life that started in the classroom, and has continued into my professional life. I, along with my mother Francine, wish you nothing but the best of luck in your future endeavours.

  17. Lynnette Kaschke, ATS says:

    Congratulations Tom,
    I look forward to working with you in the future!

  18. Chris Sesta, Jenna and Jon says:

    Congratulations, Tom! We were all hoping you would be selected! We are all so happy for you and our excellent public school system!

  19. Camie Rogers says:

    Tom, congratulations on being selected as Superintendent of West Hartford Public Schools. Wishing you the best of luck!!

  20. Dick Gable says:

    Congratulations on your appointment, The staff, students, and parents are VERY lucky to have such a quality person leading our district. I look forward to being a part of your team.

  21. Kathy Wilson says:

    Congratulations, Tom. Well deserved.

  22. Tim & Deb Brennan says:

    Tom, congratulations, you’ve earned this. We are fully behind your many efforts to continue improving our town’s outstanding schools.

  23. Congratulations, Tom! We celebrate with you on your new appointment and look forward to our continued partnership.

  24. Rick Liftig says:

    Best of luck Tom. What a wonderful opportunity to do even more good in the world and bring along the next generation. When I look at my kids and their friends, it is so obvious as to how influential their school experiences have been in guiding their path forward. Honestly, I can’t think of a better choice for this position – you’ll do the town proud!

  25. Keith Griffin says:

    Tom – I feel the B of E has picked a great candidate. You’re a brilliant “Everyman” who will serve the entire student population well. I’m thrilled the board looked inward and made this great selection. I’m also glad you will continue to helm the Charter Oak project! West Hartford schools will do great things under your leadership.

  26. Chip says:

    Tom, congratulations!!! The town of West Hartford is the big winner here. I know you’ll be great. I look forward to the future of West Hartford.

  27. Mary Silverberg says:

    Tom, all my best wishes on your new appointment! You ARE the one for this job and yes, you have earned it. I’ll share the news with Shanna and Cara.Congratulations! Mary Silverberg

  28. Daniel G. Brown Jr. says:

    Tom, congratulations on being selected as Superintendent of West Hartford Public Schools. I am very pleased to know that they got the right guy. I’ve known you for quite some time and had always wished that your hard work and dedication to our students, staff, and education would come to fruition and make you eligible to become the next superintendent. My wish has come true and I’m proud to say that Tom Moore is a friend. Best wishes in your new position.

  29. Tara, Jack and Fallon says:

    Congratulations Tom/Dad!
    We are so proud of you and so glad to be your family. You are the best husband and father, and you will be a wonderful superintendent. We love you! – Tara, Jack, and Fallon

  30. Nichola Dustin says:

    Congratulations, Tom! So glad you will be continuing the work on the new Charter Oak and its Pre-K/Preschool. ~ Nichola Dustin 😉

  31. MJ Dawson says:

    From the moment we moved to West Hartford and entered the doors of Conard High School you made our whole family feel welcome. West Hartford continues its excellence today with Tom Moore at the helm. Best of luck always!

  32. denise brezinski says:

    My congratulations . Way to go , Tom! Wishing you all the best in your new challenges!

  33. Susan Myers says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So pleased for West Hartford and our excellent public school system.

  34. Bruce Putterman says:

    The West Hartford Board of Education is very pleased to announce it has unanimously selected Tom Moore, the current West Hartford Public Schools Assistant Superintendent for Administration, to be the next superintendent of the West Hartford Public Schools, effective July 1, 2014.

    • Grisselle says:

      Congratulations Tom!!! It’s been a pleasure working with you the passed three years and I looked forward to many more!

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